Monday, December 29, 2008

it's over...

and I'm not sad like I usually am. This year it just didn't really feel like Christmas. I picked up my dad Wednesday night and we headed to Alamo. It was snowing and raining on us the entire way there. We didn't get there until 8:30 or so and when we got there I still had so much stuff to do. I had to eat dinner (the most important thing on my list since my mom made enchiladas) and then I had to put all of the gifts I bought into gift bags. I seems like I was a slacker, but there was no room to put my gifts at Sam's house so I had to keep them all in my car so I didn't have a choice but to wrap them when I got to Alamo. Ugh...I had to drive all the way to Alamo with the creepy ventriloquist doll that Tyson wanted in the car with me. It freaks me out so bad, but he loved it so I guess it was worth it. Seriously I was sitting in my car waiting for my dad to get there and it was completely dark and I started to freak out and had to turn on the light inside the car to make sure the doll wasn't coming to get me lol. Christmas was good (it always is). Everyone was there and everyone loved all of their gifts so that was nice. I ended up staying in Alamo until Saturday night because my friend Kami got married and her reception was in Alamo on Saturday and I didn't want to miss it. Congrats Kami and Dennis...they looked like the happiest couple in the world and I am so happy for them! I just went to the reception long enough to go through the line and then I was headed back to Vegas. I ended up reading the first 3 books in the Twilight series again over the weekend because I love them so much lol. Well I guess that's about all I've got to say.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I can't believe...

it's almost Christmas...that is so weird. The time has been going by so fast I don't even know how I got here. lol First an update on my dad. He went to the oncologist and they told him there is a nation-wide shortage of the liquid chemo that the put in the port that he has so he can't have that kind because they need it for people with higher stages of cancer. They told him he will have to take the chemo pills (he has to take 8 of them a day) and he just got them on Friday so I guess he started them over the weekend. He has to go 2 weeks on 1 week off and then repeat for as long as it takes for the cancer to be gone. During that time he has to go back to oncologist so they can do some blood tests and find out how he's responding to the chemo. He also had to have the port they put in taken out so Friday I took him to the doctor to have it removed. They were supposed to put him to sleep to take it out, but instead they just gave him a muscle relaxer and numbed his chest. He said it was very uncomfortable, but he is feeling better now. Hopefully the chemo won't be too rough on him. So weekend before last I was forced to attent the gun show with Samantha and my dad. It was the most boring 4 hours of my life I think. I was under the impression that we were going to get in there, find the gun Sam wanted to get for Kody, and get out, but that's not how it happened. My dad was excited to be out of the house and he likes guns so we had to see everything there was to see...boring! That weekend I also went to Disneyland with Jaidyn and Jessica. We left really early on Sunday morning and drove straight to Disneyland. We left at 5 and we made it there before 9. We spent the whole day at Disneyland and we had a good time. After that we went to the hotel and rested for a little while and then we went to dinner at Red Robin. After dinner we just went back to the hotel and hung out until bedtime. Jaidyn wanted to sleep in a bed with me but I was like "heck no!". I know that sounds mean, but that girl sleeps just like her mom did when we were kids...there are limbs flying and it's somewhat dangerous. lol Not to mention I let her lay in my bed with me and she dutchovened me! (you know where you fart and pull the covers over the other person's head...yeah, well she didn't pull the covers over my head, but she did flip them up in the air so her nasty fart came right up in my face!)lol We decided to come home Monday even though we were scheduled to come home Tuesday. The weather was bad so we figured we wouldn't have anything to do in Cali anyways. We ended up stuck in Fontanna for a while, but we eventually made it home. I had taken Tuesday off of work so I stayed home and relaxed instead of going to work. I went to the mall with Jess and her family and we had a good time. I ended up buying myself some christmas presents lol. After that things were kind of a blur because I was so busy. Since I had to leave early on Friday to take my dad to the doc. I took some work home with me and did that yesterday. Other than that I spent the entire weekend on the couch trying to recover from a cold I had developed. I think it worked because I feel better today. I will be heading to Alamo Wednesday night for Christmas. I have to wait for my dad to get off of work and then we will ride up together. I am so excited for Christmas I can hardly wait! I love it so much. It is Colin's first Christmas and everyone will be there so it's sure to be a good time. Well I guess I should get back to work.

Monday, December 8, 2008


the TMA Holiday Party is over and I made it out alive! lol I've been working on this party since Jan and it turned out well. On Friday night Sam and I went to Target to get more gifts for the party and then we had to go home and do a bunch of stuff to get the gifts ready for the party so we didn't get to bed until almost 11...which is pretty late for us. On Saturday we woke up early and we went to Target again...we had to get some more stuff. Then we went to get our nails done before the party. After that we got some lunch and packed our stuff to go to the hotel. We had to stop off at TMA before we went to the hotel to get some things that we needed for the party and then we headed for the hotel. When we got there Sam was able to check in right away, but I had to wait an hour for a room so I had to go to Sam's room to hang out and help her with some stuff. By the time I got a room it was almost 5 and the party started at 6 so I had to haul a and get ready (and I still had to shower!). I was ready in less than 45 minutes including my shower. Then we had to carry a bunch of stuff down to the banquet room (which was tricky in my big old shoes). lol Once there we had to work out a few snags and then we were able to party. I had planned to drink a lot, but I guess since it had been almost a year since I drank last I was unable to drink much (which is a good thing). We had dinner and then we passed out the bonuses and gifts (I got a new ipod) and then we moved on to drinking and dancing (well only the little kids danced lol). After the party ended at 10 we decided we weren't ready to end the night so we found out about a party in someones room (an employee of TMA) so I went back to my room to change my shoes (flip flops are my best friend!) and a bunch of people ended up in my room. One of them was smoking in there, but I was too scared to tell her not to because she seems mean. lol The guy in the room next to mine was really pissed at us and came out into the hall in his striped pj's to glare at us. lol After that we headed to the party and we just hung out and did random stupid things. Finally around 1 a.m. or so I decided Sam needed to go to bed because she was very inebriated so I made her go to bed and I did the same. I woke up at about 7 and I felt fine, but when Sam called me at like 8:30 0r so she said she was dying lol. I decided to spend $30 to have breakfast brought up to my room (can you believe that...$30 for some eggs and bacon!) and then I bought a movie off of pay per view to pass the time until checkout. I ordered the movie The Women which looked cute in the previews, but was somewhat disappointing. :( Finally I got up and took a shower and then went to Sam's room to get them (I had to take them home because they didn't have a car at the hotel). Sam was laying face down on the bed and looking very sad. lol She got up and got dressed and we headed for home. After we got home I did a whole lot of nothing. I have my art final tonight and I'm a little worried about it. I guess there is nothing I can do about it now, but I hate tests so bad. I will be so happy to be done with school for a little while. I am getting so excited for Christmas...I only have 1 present left to buy. I am also excited for my trip to Disneyland with Jess and Jaidyn next week. I know we will have such a good time as long as Jaidyn doesn't "fight" with me lol. My dad is doing much better. He got his stitches out last week and since then he's been feeling pretty good. He isn't in too much pain so that's good. He has an appointment with the cancer doctor so I'm hoping they'll schedule his chemo so we can get that over with...I know it's going to be hard and I'm not looking forward to it. It's such a weird thing to see someone who has always been strong laying in a bed all helpless. Well I guess I have said all there is to say.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I can't wait...

for the weekend to get here. Our company christmas party is on Saturday at Green Valley Ranch and I'm really excited. I always have a good time at our Christmas parties because it's the like one night a year I drink and I have a nice hotel room to stay in and we usually get a gift at the party so it's always fun. I got the cutest dress to wear and now I just need some earrings..and maybe a bracelet. lol I really want Jessica to come to the party with me, but she can't decide if she wants to go. Everyone at work keeps asking me if she's coming with me. The rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. I sat around most of the day on Saturday except for when Jess and her kids came over for lunch. I was really happy to see the kids...they are so cute. Yesterday Sam cleaned out her other spare room (which she uses as an office) so that she could put a bed in there for me so I won't have to sleep on the couch anymore. Her neighbor offered to let us use a spare bed they had so I got a good night's sleep last night (finally). I bought my mom and grandma's christmas presents today and I really hope they like them. I ordered them from Things Remembered. I now just have to buy my dad, Tyson, and Ryan presents. I know what I'm getting the boys, but I have no idea what to get my dad. He's such a hard person to shop for. I am so happy that I'm almost done with school for the semester...I need a break. I finished and posted this blog a while ago, but I decided I needed to add this to my blog. I just got the grade for my final paper in art and I got the second highest grade in the class (the teacher told me). I am really excited because I thought I had done a bad job so I am way less stressed right now. I just have to get through my actual final and I'm good to go. I guess I should spend next Sunday studying (even though I'll probably be hung over). So anyways...I just thought I would share my good news. :)

Friday, November 28, 2008


a lot of stuff has happened since I posted last. Everything was pretty boring until last Thursday (not thanksgiving..the Thursday before). I got a call at work from my dad and he told me that he was in the hospital because he'd had emergency surgery for a perforated colon. I left work as soon as I could and went to the hospital to hang out with him and see if I could get some more info. Well I only found out bits and pieces because he was on so much pain medication he couldn't really tell me what was going on. It turns out that when he'd had a colonoscopy the Tuesday before they had found a mass on his colon and they wanted to admit him right then to remove it, but he said he couldn't do it that day because he needed at least a day to get his affairs in order. So Wednesday he started to feel sick and finally that night it got bad enough that he went to the hospital and that's when they told him they'd perforated his colon when they did the colonoscopy and that they were going to do surgery right then to fix the perforation and remove the mass. We found out a few days later that it was cancer, but that it is stage one and they think they got all of it, but also that he is going to have to do chemo to make sure it's all out of his blood. They put in a mediport for that while he was in the hospital, but we don't know when the chemo will start yet. They finally released him Wednesday afternoon...right in time for Thanksgiving. He is doing better and hopefully will make a speedy recovery. He is staying at Sam's house too because he can't move around very well so we have a full house. I went and saw Twilight and it was so good. I can't wait for them to finish the second one because I freaking LOVE those books. lol Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful...had some turkey and watched tv...the usual. Yesterday I asked Sam to wake up early and go shopping with me today and she agreed so we found out if anyone else wanted anything (and of course they did) so we got a list and woke up at 4:15 this morning to go shopping. We went to Wal Mart first and it was a nightmare! There were so many people and by the time we got there everything we had needed was already sold out. :( After Wal Mart we went to Target and we got there just before they opened so we got in the biggest line ever and made our way in to Target. It was so much better in there. There were no rude people and we were able to get pretty much everything we needed. After we went shopping we decided to stop and get some breakfast at this bar/restaurant near Sam's house. Well when we got there the restaurant wasn't open yet, but the bartender told us we could eat at the bar so we decided that was a good idea. When we walked in there was like one other person (a really drunk guy who decided to make friends with us). Well he stayed and talked to us the entire time, but I wasn't really paying attention to him (except to think about how I wish he would quit leaning into me because he was sitting right next to me). Well Sam told me later that he had been trying to invite me to go to a club with him tonight. lol I was oblivious! After breakfast we just came home and hung out. My dad's sister Chris and her husband Jim came over to visit my dad so we talked for a while. Now I am seriously thinking that I might need to go take a nap. lol

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I know I just posted yesterday, but I forgot one very important thing. Twilight the movie comes out on Friday and I have a dilema. I desperately want to go see it as soon as I get off work on Friday, but I just know there are going to be so many people there and I really hate watching movies in a crowded theater, but I also don't know if I can wait! I know...I have issues, but I loved the book so much (I basically read it in a day) and I have been dying for the movie to come out. What should I do?

Monday, November 17, 2008

oh you know...

just the usual. I was eligible for my new every 2 with Verizon so I ordered a new phone on Wed. and it got here on Thurs. I was so excited. I got an LG something or other. lol It's cool and it was FREE! I just had to pay the tax for it. I gave Jess my old chocolate and she likes it I think. On Friday I took Sam and Kody to the airport so they are in Florida right now and they head to Nassau tomorrow. I am so jealous. While they are gone I'm in charge of taking care of the dogs (since I live there). I swear I have gotten a million text messages from Kody checking up on the dogs...he's like a crazy parent. lol The dogs are driving me crazy, but they always do so it's nothing new. Oh, I also got some new stuff on Friday that I ordered from Torrid. I got a new shirt, some slippers, a new wallet (really cute faux snakeskin), and some earrings for $30 inc. shipping. I thought that was a good deal. Friday after work I went to Jessica's house because my mom was in town. I hung out and had dinner, and then we went shopping at Target. By the time we were done with that it was 8 so I went home and went to bed. Saturday I got up and went back to Jessica's house so we could do some more shopping. We went to the mall and Big Lots and got a bunch of shopping done. After that my mom and I went to Sam's house to rest and she stayed the night there with me. On Sunday we woke up super early (6:00...which is early for a Sunday if you ask me) and went to IHOP. It was so good...I'd been craving pancakes for a few weeks so I was happy. After IHOP we went to Wal Mart so my mom could do some grocery shopping and then we left for Alamo. Once we got to Alamo I just helped my mom unload her groceries and then I had to turn around and head back to Vegas. When I got back to town I had to go do grocery shopping of my own so by the time I got home it was 2:00. Not so bad. I then had to do laundry, cook dinner, do homework, and pet the needy dogs. lol Needless to say I am super tired today and I may need to go get a second red bull soon. I am really nervous for this week of work because something always goes wrong when Sam isn't here and it stresses me out. Hopefully everything will be ok though. This weekend Andrea is supposed to be coming down here with Jeremy for state football and she asked me if I wanted to hang out on Saturday so that should be long as she doesn't turn into the "shopping nazi" lol. j/k Andrea. Well I guess I'd better get back to work as I have a ton of it to do.

Monday, November 10, 2008


So things are going pretty good. Friday night I went to Target to get the new issue of Cosmo and I decided to look at the TVs because I need to get a big TV for my living room and they had a 42" TV on sale for $650 so I wanted to go back on Saturday and get it. Saturday I woke up with a craving for Starbucks so I went and got a pumpkin spice latte and it was so good. When I went back to Target later I had a not right feeling about the TV so I decided not to buy it and when I got home I researched it a little (because I couldn't remember the brand the night before). I found out that the company who makes them filed for bankruptcy and no one know if they will honor the warranties on the TVs so I guess it's a good thing I didn't buy it. After that I just went home and did nothing...literally. I watched Next Friday and took a nap lol. Sunday I got up and Sam and I decided that we wanted to get our nails done. She is leaving on vacation on Friday so she wanted to get a pedicure too so we went to the salon down the street and got our stuff done. After that I had to go to Caesar's Palace to an art gallery for art class so Sam came with me. After we looked at the art we went to La Salsa and got some lunch (so good!) and then we went in search of an ATM machine so we could get money for the valet. Well we had to go back into the forum shops to find the ATM so we decided we would do a little shopping. We went into the Guess store and I found the cutest purse that was on sale. I wasn't going to buy it since I just bought a new purse, but Sam insisted I should buy it so I did and it ended up only being $40. It is so cute and I'm really glad that Sam swiped it from some lady so I could have it lol. After that we decided we should get out of there before we spent any more money so we went home. Other than that not a lot happened.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

there is a bird...

walking around outside my window and it's cracking me up. I know that's random, but whatever. So last week I finally finished cleaning out the apartment, and the keys are turned in so I am done with that place for good! Last week I just worked and went to school...nothing major. I took Friday off of work so I could go to Alamo with Jess and the kids. I think Colin was upset that I was riding with them because I wouldn't let him cry. Every time he tried to cry I told him to stop it and he would just look at me like I was the meanest person in the world. lol We had a good time in Alamo. When I got there I had my mom cut my hair because it was getting pretty long, and I needed to have it thinned out bad! I asked her to take about 2 inches off the bottom and by the time we were done she had taken 5 inches! My hair is now just above my shoulders. I don't mind because I think it looks cute, but she was really upset about it. She didn't mean to take that much and she kept telling me how sorry she was. I was laughing because I wasn't even mad. lol After that we just hung out and waited for trick or treat time to roll around. Andrea and Ryan came up to visit so that helped the time pass faster. Jess got the kids dressed in their costumes and then when Eric got there we left trick or treating. Colin got restless after just a few houses so Jess took me and Colin home and picked up Samantha to finish trick or treating. A little while later Andrea, Jeremy, Ryan, and Brock showed up. Then Jess, Eric, Jaidyn, and Sam. And then Tyson called to come over so we had a full house for a while. It was really fun. After everyone left we all just went to bed. We woke up Saturday and Sam and I headed back to Vegas pretty early. I didn't really do anything the rest of the weekend. I went to Jessica's house so she could dye my hair for me because it was getting pretty bad. Other than that I didn't do a lot. I can't believe that Thanksgiving will be here in just a few weeks. I can't wait! I also can't believe that it's already election day. I am so anxious to see who our new president is going to be!

Monday, October 27, 2008


that is a satisfied sigh of relief. I am completely done moving. I just have to go to my apartment tomorrow and clean and then I'm done with that stupid place. Samantha and I went over there on Saturday and moved all of my stuff from the apartment in just 2 trips. We got to the apartment and we realized that we needed a dolly because some of the stuff was way too heavy to carry all the way to the truck so we had to go to TMA and borrow a dolly and then we were able to get all of my stuff out of the apartment in like 15 minutes. We took it to Jordan's and we had to unload it all into the garage and that only took us a few minutes also. After that we had to go to a birthday party for our boss' daughter who was turning 10. After the party we were exhausted and we still had to drive all the way back across town. When we got home I went and layed down on my bed for a while and then I just watched tv until it was time for bed. On Sunday we woke up and had Kody help us load the couches into the truck so we could take them to Jordan's house. Sam and I had to unload them all by ourselves, but we did a good job and we had them out of the truck and into the garage in no time. After that we went home and didn't really do much except relax. I need to go pick up my stuff that I ordered from Wal Mart still, but that's easy. I am going to Alamo this weekend with Jess and the kids. I decided to take Friday off of work so Jess and the kids said they would ride with me and then I'm not sure when I'm coming back. I am really excited to be out of Las Vegas for a while. I haven't been to Alamo since the 4th of July so it should be nice. Then I'll be back up there in a few weeks for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see all the kids in their costumes for Halloween...they are all going to look so cute. lol Other than that I haven't been up to much. I had my art midterm on Wednesday and I think we get our grades back tonight. I am happy to be out of my apartment and living with Sam and Kody for a while, but the only sucky part is that I have to drive all the way from Henderson after school and it takes like 45 minutes even when I'm speeding (which I always am). Oh, and I have to wake up earlier because it takes that much longer to get to work in the morning. I will be happy when I get to move into Jordan's house because it isn't too far from work so I won't have to wake up too early. I am so tired today and my body is sore from all that moving. Well I guess that's about all I have to say.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The perfect pumpkin...

is hard to find, but I did it! Let me start at the beginning. Friday night I went to Jessica's house for dinner and ended up staying the night there. On Saturday I had to get up and go to work with Jess and after work she asked me to go to Wal Mart with her to find pumpkins because Eric wanted to carve pumpkins Saturday night. We went to Wal Mart and in the huge cardboard bin full of pumpkins I saw the perfect one. It was big and perfectly round and it didn't have a broken stem...but it was at the bottom of the bin. I set about trying to retrieve this perfect pumpkin and it was no easy feat. I ended up ripping my shirt in the process, but after many minutes of rearranging and making Jessica hold pumpkins I finally got it out. Victory! We found another pumpkin (that was nowhere near as good as the one I found) and we went on about our business. I decided I wanted to carve pumpkins with them so I went back to Jessica's house. I went with Jess to take Jaidyn for a flu shot (Jess got one, but Jaidyn didn't) and then we got some dinner. After dinner we decided it was time to carve the pumpkins. We were all excited about Jaidyn getting to carve pumpkins for the first time, but she wasn't really interested. It took us a couple of hours to get both done and we were really happy with them. I ended up staying the night at Jessica's again on Saturday night and Sunday morning we woke up early to go to my apartment and move some of my stuff. Jess is a good sister because she volunteered to come help me with some stuff. We got rid of my couch, my rocking chair, my computer desk, and a million bags of stuff I was throwing away. We dumped my couch next to the dumpsters in hopes that someone would take it and sure enough when I drove by a few hours later someone had taken it. lol I am really close to being ready to move out. Next weekend I will move all of my stuff into Jordan's garage and stay with Sam until the house is done (which will hopefully be soon). I am so sore from moving all that whole body hurts. I can only imagine how Jess feels. She smashed her hand and I felt so bad. I told her I owe her big time. I can't wait to be done with this apartment. I hate living in apartments and hopefully everything will work out well at Jordan's house. I don't want to have to move again soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Today was weird...

I had to babysit for Jessica this morning while she took the baby to his checkup and I had to be there by 9 so I just decided not to go to work before I went to her house because I would only get to be there for like an hour before I had to leave. Well I went to Jessica's house and I was hanging out and I started not to feel well so I got Jaidyn to come watch tv with me so I could lay down. I layed down for about an hour and when I got up I checked my phone. I had a bunch of missed calls and a voicemail from Samantha sounding all freaked out wanting to know where I was. I called her back and found out that there was some miscommunication and she didn't know I was babysitting. When I didn't show up for work she went to my apartment thinking I'd just overslept and when she saw my car wasn't there she started freaking out thinking that something bad had happened to me. I felt so bad! She was really upset and I felt horrible. Apparently a bunch of people at work were really worried about me and she even had her husband leave work to come to my apartment! I never even heard my phone ring! When I got to work after I was done babysitting everyone was making fun of me. lol It's good to know that people will notice if I'm missing though lol. Jessica emailed me a while ago and told me that Jaidyn said she misses me...ohhh! She can be so sweet sometimes! Well I just wanted to share that little story!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


The concert was a lot of fun. It was outside in a parking lot so it wasn't all hot and crowded. It was kind of windy, but the breeze was nice. The only downside was that since it was outside there was no seating so it was like 4 solid hours of standing. Jessica doesn't like that kind of music, but she said she liked the Cab, and Plain White T's. We didn't listen to Dashboard because I don't really know their stuff and we ended up running into a friend from high school so we talked to him through most of their set. They had rock band set up so that people could play if they wanted...we didn't play. They had like 4 different groups of people come up on stage and play rock band between bands. We ended up leaving part way through Panic @ the Disco even though they were the reason I wanted to go. It was just late already (like 10:30 or so) and I still had to take Jess home, then get back across town to my house and I had to be to work by 7 the next morning. They sounded good though. Luckily we were only stuck in the parking garage for a few minutes because we left early. Friday I was so unbelievably tired, but I made it through. Saturday morning I woke up early to go to the office with Jess and we stayed there until 1:00 then I went to her house to dye her hair for her. Last night I went through a bunch of my stuff to see what I want to take with me and what I want to get rid of...I'm getting rid of a bunch of stuff. This morning I woke up and got ready and went to Jessica's house so that we could go to the fashion show mall. We took the kids with us and they were really good. I ended up buying a new Betsey Johnson's so cute. I can't post a pic right now because I don't know how, but trust me it's cute. Now I'm just doing laundry and posting this blog. I need to make some dinner soon because I'm starving (I even went to the store today!).

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I can't wait...

for 2 things. One...I can't wait for today to be over. I have to go to art class tonight, which sucks on any normal day, but today we have to hand in a paper and the syllabus says that "several students will have to read their papers aloud" thanks! I really hope she doesn't do that and if she does I really hope she doesn't choose me. I don't want her to tear apart my paper in front of everyone (and she will). The second thing I can't wait for is the concert tomorrow night. I am so excited...I'm pretty sure the last concert I went to was when I saw Panic @ the Disco the last time and that was a long time ago. It is sure to be fun. For one it is outside so it won't be all hot and gross like it would be in a venue...second it's the Rock Band Live tour and I heard they are going to bring people up on stage to compete playing rock band! How fund does that sound. Not to mention I like all of the bands (except one because I don't know who they are...The Cab...they're from Vegas...anyone heard of them?). Jess is going with me which is awesome because I'm pretty sure the last concert we went to was 5 years ago almost! She doesn't like any of the bands so I'm really grateful she said she'd go with me. She's a good sport. I ordered a bunch of stuff from Wal Mart today and got the best deal. I got a 19" flat screen tv (for my room), a 32" flat screen tv (for the living room), a 10 piece cookware set (TFal), a 16 piece dinnerware set, a flatware set, a 16 piece set of glasses, and some cooking utensils all for $940. If you ask me that's a lot of stuff for such a good price (especially 2 tvs!). I can't wait for it to get here. I had it shipped to the store so I wouldn't have to pay shipping and it says it should be here by the 24th. I will be moving soon, but I may have to stay with my sister Sam for a while. The house I'm moving into may not be done by the time I have to move out of my apartment. The guy who bought it is redoing the bathrooms and the kitchen so I can move my stuff in, but I won't be able to live there yet. Which is ok because I can totally stay with Sam. Did I mention that Sam gave me her leather couches and her chair? She got a new living room set a while back and she's been storing her old furniture for me...I get pretty much all new stuff! I'm pretty lucky living in style at my age...happy thoughts! I'm giving my old tv to Ashlee if she wants it because otherwise I was just going to throw it in the trash. I have had it for over 5 years (it still works great, but it's kind of big and I'd have to buy the stupid converter for it in a few months anyways) and it's been an awesome tv. It survived a fall from a mantle and works like a champ! lol Well I guess that's about all I have to say. I will post again this weekend and let everyone know how the concert was (as if anyone cares lol).

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Playhouse Disney...

Well not a lot has been going on lately. I just worked and went to school last week. On Thursday I went with my friend Kami and some of our other friends to look at wedding dresses because Kami is getting married! I had so much fun looking at all the dresses. Poor Kami didn't seem to be having as much fun, but that's understandable since she had to put on all those dresses. lol My mom came down to babysit Jessica's kids for her this weekend. She came down on Thursday and she just went home this morning. She was here to babysit for them on Saturday because Jess and Eric were going out for the day to celebrate their one year anniversary. Friday night I went to Jess' house and we had some tacos for dinner (yum!) and then Saturday morning I got up and went back to their house to hang out with my mom while she babysat. At about 1 I took Jaidyn to a birthday party and then Samantha and I took Jaidyn and Sam's nephew Hayden to the Playhouse Disney Live show. The kids had such a good time. By the time I dropped Sam and Hayden off and got Jaidyn home we were both so tired. Jaidyn fell asleep in the car on the way home and I felt so bad waking her up because she had fallen asleep on the way to playhouse disney and I had to wake her up so she didn't even get a real nap and she had such a long day. After that I hung out at Jess's house for a while and then I came home and crashed...I had a long day too. lol This morning I woke up and did the usual. A little cleaning and a little laundry. I decided to go to the movies today because I hadn't been in a long time (yes Ashlee I went alone...don't cry). I went and saw Nick and Nora's Infinite was ok...nothing I'd pay to see again. After the movie I went shopping at Lane Bryant because I had a coupon and I ended up getting an awesome deal on some new stuff. I got a new pair of jeans, a new hoodie, and a new bra for only $66! After Lane Bryant I hit up Target to get a few things and ended up spending a decent amount of money there too. I got a new comforter set and some new sheets and then some other random things I needed. After Target I just came home to relax. I did some math homework, but had to give up because I was sucking at it. I have to bust ass on my homework tomorrow though because I have a paper due Wednesday and a quiz on Tuesday...sometimes I hate school! lol Well I guess that's about all I have to say.

Monday, September 29, 2008

oh you know...

how I feel about Mondays lol. I am very tired this morning (as I am every morning). I had a decent week last week. My birthday was fun. Jess came over to the office with the kids and we exchanged gifts. I got a Betsey Johnson cosmetic case and a strawberry shortcake (yum!) from Jess. Sam gave me some Ed Hardy perfume and it smells so good. After the exchange we went to the Olive Garden for lunch and then it was back to work for me. I had class that night and I left early because I was not feeling well...not a good way to end my birthday. :( Friday I got to work, but didn't have anything to do since my boss had been gone for 2 weeks so I asked if I could leave and Sam told me yeah. I went to Jessica's house and we went to the mall and then we hung out at her house and waited for my mom, andrea, and the boys to come over to visit. Andrea gave me some really cute earrings and a super cute hat for my birthday. They were only able to stay for a little while and then they had to be on their way. After that Jess and I just hung out until it was time to get ready for dinner. Sam, Jess, my dad, and I went to the Outback for dinner and it was so yummy. We got some free ice cream since it was our birthday and my dad insisted on paying for the entire meal so that was nice. After dinner Sam, Jess, and I went to the Red Rock Casino and gambled for a little while, but we all lost our money fast and we couldn't figure out what else we could do that wouldn't cost us more money so we headed home. Saturday morning Jess was going to the office to file at 6am so I told her I would go with her even though it was really early. I had her call me when she was leaving home so I could get up and be there by the time she got there. Right after I hung up with her I was sitting on my bed trying to find something to wear (because of course my clean clothes were in a pile on the floor in front of my bed) when my phone started ringing. It was my friend Jordan and he was on the strip and needed a ride home. I came to the office and made sure Jess was settled and locked in and then I headed for the strip. I picked up Jordan and took him to his house (which is clear the hell out at the 95 and Horizon) and then I headed for the office. I was trying to do my homework but I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open so I didn't get a ton of it done. We only stayed at the office until 11 and then we headed home. I got to rest for a while and then I had to get ready to go to a family party at my aunt's house. I went to Jessica's and we went together (with the kids). We stayed at the party for a few hours but then we had to leave because the kids were getting tired. Sunday I got up and did some stuff around the apartment and then I had to go to the Bellagio to the art museum for a class field trip. By the time I got home from that it was after 4 so I just layed around being lazy for the rest of the day. Well I guess I should get back to work.

Monday, September 22, 2008

just a few more days...

until my birthday! I am not especially excited about it because 23 is not an exciting age, but I am a little weirded out by it. For whatever reason 23 seems too old for me. lol I guess I must be immature because I am freaking out about it. So last week art class was better but dream psychology class was not. I got kicked out of the "cool people" group because I am not cool enough. The teacher told us to get into groups of no more than 6 so I saw the 3 girls sitting at my table and asked them if I could be in their group...and someone said yeah. Well then one of the girls invited 3 other people to be in their group so then there were 7 if you count me. I heard someone say "I think she's in our group too" and I was like "no I'm not. I'm going to this other group". I was so pissed. Then later one of the girls was trying to talk to me in the elevator after class and I was having no part of it. I got up all early and went to TMA with Jess so she could do her filing and I could do homework and we were there until about 3pm. After that I just went home and sat around like a lazy person. On Sunday I got up early and did some stuff around the apartment and went grocery shopping all before 10am. I was pretty proud of myself for that. Usually I can't get myself to do anything on Sunday. After I did the shopping and whatnot I just sat around watching movies and enjoying the rest of my weekend. I have been so tired lately and I can't figure out why. I seriously feel so tired all the time like I can hardly move. I have art class again tonight and I'm hoping that the teacher won't be mean to me...I had some good luck on Wednesday, but you never know when she's going to freak out again. Well I guess that's all I have to say.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm bad...I ditched class yesterday. I really didn't want to go. For whatever reason my teacher really doesn't like me. Last class she insulted my name. She likes to guess our names when we get to class so that she can remember them or something so when I got there she guessed that my name was Jamie. She also guessed that the next girl who came in was named Jamie, but the girl's name was actually Jenna and the teacher said "that is such a better name". Carlos (the guy in my group who sits next to me) was like "oh, burn!" and he was laughing so hard at me and then he couldn't wait for the other guy in our group to get there so he could tell him all about it. lol I was laughing too, but I seriously do not like this lady. I had a pretty uneventful weekend. I went to tumbling class with Jess and Jaidyn on Saturday morning and I felt really bad that Jaidyn didn't like it, but we got her a happy meal and it cheered her right up so all is well. After lunch Jessica had to come to TMA to do the filing so I came with her to help her out on her first day, and I ended up staying the entire time...almost 6 hrs. I decided that each weekend when she comes in to file I am going to come with her and do my homework. I got all of my math homework for the week done and I took both of my quizzes for the week so I don't have to worry about math again until next weekend. I thought it would be a good idea since there are no distractions at work I have nothing to do except homework. After hanging with Jess at TMA I just went home and watched some tv and then I went to bed. On Sunday I got up and decided that I wanted Jess to dye my hair for me since it was getting pretty gray so I called her and set it up. I went over there at about 1 and she dyed my hair for me and then I just went home. Well actually I went to the grocery store and then I went home. I made some delicious dinner and relaxed for the rest of the day. Lately I have been wondering if I really want to be a psychologist...I need to do some thinking on it. If anyone has any career suggestions let me know...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Things are sort of looking up on the school front. On the up dream class was much better the second time. It was weird, and I didn't really learn anything, but it was entertaining so I guess that counts for something. On the down art class sucks. Things are going better with the group, but my teacher apparently hates me because she kept yelling at me for no reason. The guys in my group were laughing at me and telling me how much she hates me as if I didn't notice it myself! I don't know what her problem is, but she had it out for me yesterday. Hopefully she will be in a better mood tomorow. I had a pretty uneventful weekend. I came in to work on Saturday to do the receptionist a favor and help her get caught up on the filing, but apparently it wasn't a favor because she seems really pissed at me about it. I thought it would be nice because it was her birthday on Saturday and she seemed really stressed abou the filing so I thought it would be a relief to come back from her birthday less stressed...I guess I was wrong. After work Jess and I went to the fashion show mall where I showed amazing restraint. I went into the Betsey Johnson store and fell in love with a purse, but I didn't buy it because I knew I didn't need it. It would be my 4th Betsey in a year. Jessica ended up getting it for her anniversary so it was better that I didn't buy it. She only had one Betsey (two now!) so she deserved it. Jess and I want to do something for our birthday this year, but we can't really figure out what to do. We just want to have some fun. Sunday I sat around the house trying to recover because I had been sick since Friday night. I got sick Friday night and I had the worst headache ever...I kept taking motrin, but it wouldn't go away. The headache actually started Thursday night while I was at class and I thought it was from the lights, but it never went away and it lasted clear through Saturday. I felt really bad because Jessica got sick on Sunday night and I think I made her sick. Sorry Jess! Things should be pretty quiet (hopefully) for the next couple of weeks because starting Friday my boss in going to be gone and he won't be back until the end of the month. Oh, and the funniest thing happened to me the other day...well I think it's funny. Jordan, the guy that's going to be my new roommate, had a party for his birthday back in January and I went to it. Well there was this girl there who was all over him the whole night, and it was really obvoius that she really liked him. Well he was flirting with me a little because that's what we do and the chick really didn't like me because of it. She wasn't being very nice to me and she said a few things that let me know she didn't like me. Well Friday I stopped at a gas station that I don't normally go to and I was walking around getting the stuff I wanted not paying much attention to what was going on. Well when I went to get in line I looked up and she was right in front of me and she was looking at me. Well I could tell she recognized me by the look on her face and she turned away from me all fast like she hoped I wouldn't recognize her. Well she had a friend with her and when she turned around she was saying something to her friend and then the friend did the "oh, I think I need to look at something behind me" look so that she could look at me. You know it's that kind of look when they don't actually stop to look at anything they just brush their eyes past you you know? Well that's what she did. I was cracking up...I thought it was really funny. I don't know if the girl still doesn't like me, or if maybe I was reading too much into this whole thing, but that's how it seemed to me. I just thought it was really odd that I would see her after all this time. That's what I get for stopping at a strange gas station. lol Well now that I've bored you with my stories I guess I will go.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I hate Monday's (even when they are Tuesday's)

I was so confused today because of the long weekend. I could not figure out what day it was. I am somewhat happy that tomorrow is Wednesday already though. I really want to go to First Friday this month, but I don't know if I can get anyone to go with me. I haven't been in a few months and I really want to go get some food from Casa Don's so good. I am a little bit worried about my psychology of dreams class. It is not at all like I thought it would be. It's kind of weird, but it's too late to drop and get my money back so I'll have to suck it up. My teacher is really weird and there are some really special people in the class. I guess I'm having some issues this semester huh? It seems I will be moving into my new residence by the end of October (hopefully). I'm not sure if I mentioned that in my last blog so I'm throwing it in here just in case. I drove past the house we will be moving in to the other day. It seems pretty nice...despite the baby boiling hot tub. lol The guy who is getting the house insists that the people who lived there before boiled babies in the hot tub in the back yard. He says the house is kind of scary and I told him he has to stop saying that because I get a little scared of things like that. I am kind of a wuss. I really need to get working on getting my stuff in order and getting rid of some of my clothes because for the first time since I moved to Vegas I won't have a walk in closet. I's terrible! lol Althought I was told that I could have the closet in the extra room for my stuff too. At least that will help, but I want to get rid of enough clothes that I won't need two closets. I really hate sucks so bad. Well I guess that's it...super boring this time!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hey there...

I am posting this blog from my brand new super cute pink laptop! I just got it today and I am so excited. I have been messing with it since I got home from work and I am completely out of my league, but I'll figure it out eventually. Not a lot has been going on. I went to a bbq at my sister Sam's house on Saturday. Some of my family and a few friends were there and it was a pretty good time. We had some good food and hung out. On Sunday I sat around the house all day. I was sitting on the couch when all the sudden I had the worst spasm in my back and I felt like I could hardly breathe because of it. It didn't go away for a few hours. Then yesterday it came back when I got to work and I almost died. I took 2 muscle relaxers and it didn't even go away. It just finally went away this afternoon after I'd been wearing an icy hot patch on it all day. I swear I don't know what causes it, but it is a killer. My back feels like it's bruised when I touch it now. I had my first class of the semester last night. It was Art Appreciation and I'm not so sure about it. I had to work with a group last night and I'm not sure they like me. I had to take charge because no one else would and I think they didn't like me much. I don't care though...I got us an A on our assignment. I am a little nervous to see how it will go. I am also a little nervous about my math class. It seems hard (mostly because I am so not good at math) and I'm going to have to bust ass to get a good grade in it. As a matter of fact I should be doing my homework right now. I just had to post a blog though...I've been doing so good. I know nothing interesting happens in my life to blog about, but hey...whatever. Tomorrow I have Art Appreciation again and on Thursday I have the Psychology of Dreams...I am really excited about that one. I love looking up what my dreams mean and now I will have a better understanding of them...I hope. Well I guess that's about it...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesdays Suck...

and the 3 days that come before it. I can tolerate Thursday (because Friday is coming), and I mean who doesn't like Friday? Of course I love the weekend (except Sunday because I know I have to go back to work), but I hate getting to Thursday. I guess basically I only like Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! I am very tired this morning and as I type this I am sucking down a sugar free red bull. Hopefully it will help me wake up enough to get some work done. So remember when I was talking about the laptop I was getting? Well the other day Garrett (the guy getting me the laptop) came to talk to me about which one I wanted and Neal (my boss) was standing there. He asked why I need a laptop and I told him I need one for school so he decided that he was going to buy me one as my bonus and now I get a pink one! I am really excited. It shipped yesterday so it should be here soon. Other than that there isn't a lot going on with me. I spent the weekend just hanging out. On Saturday I went to the movies and took a nap...exciting I know! Saturday night I was so bored I ended up watching football and the Olympics. I know...that's not unusual for a normal person, but I have a rule about not running and not watching other people run either...and I was watching the women's marathon! 2 hrs. of women just running. Since I don't have cable I had to switch between those two things...and occasionally I would stop on the home shopping network lol. Sunday I just did laundry all day. I know...I'm pathetic! Well now that I've bored everyone with my life...see ya!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I'm tired. I am also relieved because I had to go to the doctor for my annual today and I freaking hate it! I always get so nervous and I can't calm down. I was seriously sitting there trying to fill out some paperwork and my hands were shaking so bad I wonder if they were even able to read my handwriting. lol After my appointment I went over to Jessica's house to hang out because I had taken the day off of work and we took the kids to the mall. I managed to spend and obscene amount of money in like 10 minutes...big surprise! I took yesterday off too and I spent the day at Jessica's house swimming and being lazy. I have to go to work tomorrow which makes me a little sad, but I'm happy too because I go stir crazy when I don't have anything to do. I don't have any big plans for the weekend...except catching up on laundry. I have massive mounds of laundry that need to be done. Classes start in just over a week and I'm half excited half nervous. I always get nervous and I'm not sure why. I asked one of the guys I work with if he could get me a laptop for school and I would just pay the company back for it and he said he would. Hopefully it will be ready by the time school starts. I always wanted one because it makes everything much easier so I'll be really happy when I finally get one. Well I guess that's all that's going on.

Friday, August 8, 2008

panic @ the disco

I am getting ready to buy tickets to see panic at the disco, dashboard confessional, and plain white t's at the hard rock in October. I am really excited. I haven't been to a concert in such a long time and I really like all 3 of those bands. I am also excited because I have a $50 gift certificate for ticketmaster that I got at our company x-mas party last year so I will only really have to pay for 1 ticket...which is awesome. I have no idea who I'm going to take with me, but I figure I have a while to figure it out since it's not until October. The only down side to the whole thing is that the concert is on a Thursday night, which kind of sucks, but I'll live. I am so happy it's Friday...I am so tired. I am driving to Alamo tomorrow with Jessica to go to my friends grandpa's funeral. I feel really bad for their whole family, but he was really sick so in some ways it's a blessing. Other than that I don't have any plans for the weekend.

Monday, August 4, 2008

we made it....

home without killing each other. Our trip to San Diego was a success for the most part. Of course there was complaining and irritation, but how do you go on a family trip without those things? We had a good time at Sea World. Jaidyn got to have breakfast with Elmo and she loved it. Colin just hung out in his stroller and watched everyone (which seemed to be ok with him). We saw Shamu and the dolphin show and had a lot of fun. We were so tired when we got to San Diego that we didn't do anything Friday night. After Sea World on Saturday we were again tired, and also sunburned so we just hung out in the hotel. We woke up really early on Sunday to drive back. We drove straight through to Baker and then we stopped for some lunch. We made it home around 1 or so which left plenty of time for Andrea, mom, and grandma to get home and so whatever they needed to get done. I was super excited because my new book (Breaking Dawn??) came out on Friday night so I went straight to the bookstore from Jessica's house when we got back yesterday. I got my book and read all the way until it was time to go to bed. I only got about 360 pages read, but I think I can finish it tonight if I try. I really didn't want to put it down to go to bed last night, but I was so tired I had to. I brought Samantha a stuffed animal from Sea World since she wasn't able to go with is the cutest little otter or seal or something lol and I almost don't want to give it to her because it is so cute. I know that's terrible (and I got myself a stuffed Shamu so it's not like I don't have something soft and cuddly), but I can't help it. I was laughing really hard at myself because Friday Sam called me to ask me about a purse she wanted to buy and I was really jealous of her purse purchase because I want a new purse really bad. So anyways, Friday night I dreamt about purses! I've never done something like that before, but I had a dream that I found this purse I wanted and I was asking the sales girl how much it cost and telling her that I wanted it because Sam had gotten a new purse and I was sad. I know...I'm odd! Well I guess that's about all I have to say for now.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

i can't think of a title

So not much going on since Saturday. I forgot to tell the story of trying to put red streaks in my hair. Since my hair is naturally black I have to bleach it before changing the color to anything besides black. I saw this bleaching kit and some red hair dye online so I purchased it and went to Jessica's house to make her dye it for me. She put the bleach on the spots I wanted red and wrapped them in foil. I was using the blow dryer to help it along (the instructions said to) when all the sudden it felt like my head was on fire and I could hear sizzling! I ran out to the kitchen and had Jessica rinse it out and my hair was orange. I decided this would be ok because we were going to put the red on it anyways. We put the red on and it turned out really red. Well after spending the weekend in the sun and in the pool it was more of an orange than a red and people at work were making fun of me so I had to dye it back to black last night. Next time I'm going to a professional. lol Our girls trip is just a few days away. Me, my sisters, my mom, my grandma, and my niece are all going to San Diego for the weekend. This is the first time we all have been able to go somewhere together. All of the other trips we've been on one of us wasn't able to go. Hopefully we will all be able to go this time (Sam's a maybe right now since she's been so sick). I can't wait to go...I need a little break. I got some stuff from Old Navy today and I can't wait for work to be over so I can go home and try them on. I got some more yoga pants because they are so comfy to work out in (or to lay around in depending on my mood) and then I got a black tank top...more of a dressy tank top not like a wife beater or anything and I got some jeans for $10 so I hope they fit. I figured if they didn't fit I was only out $10 so it wasn't a big deal. I have a serious shopping problem I know, but I can't help it. The last thing I need is new clothes, but at least I can give a bunch to charity and know some good has come from my shopping problem. Do you like how I justify things? lol I decided to drop one of my classes for the fall semester so I am only taking 3 now. I dropped literature because even though it will be easy it will be a lot of reading and I need the extra time to work on my math because I'm not so good at that. At least I get a little bit of money back and it's a little less for books too. Well that's it for now I guess...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

saturday night...i'm so lame!

So what does a single 22 year old girl living in Las Vegas do on a Saturday night? Update her blog of course! I know...I'm probably the worst single girl in all of Las Vegas. I should be out looking for a hottie, but I'm at home being LAME. The problem is I don't have anyone to go out with. I don't really have any friends besides my sisters and they aren't really the going out type. One is at home trying to get over salmonella and the other is at home taking care of her kids...and of course there's one more who lives in Alamo so she's out of the question for sure. lol I sometimes hang out with some of the guys from work, but one of them won't hang out with me (every time I ask he says no) and the other one got a girlfriend so I haven't heard from him. I know I could go out alone, but that's not my style. I will do almost anything by myself, but I can't go out to a bar or wherever people my age hang out alone. I am pretty tired because I woke up at 5:45 this morning and I couldn't go back to sleep. I went to Jessica's house to swim with her family and my nephews who were in town to hang out for the day. We had a good time swimming and then my nephews talked me into taking them to a movie. We went and saw Kung Fu Panda...which was ok. It's not really my scene, but the kids liked it so it was worth it. When we were done with the movie we went back to Jessica's so the boys could swim some more and I came home to recover from the day. I am sad because there are movies from Netflix in my mailbox and I can't get them. My roommate has the key to get into the mail room...I have the key to the mailbox, but I can't get into the room that holds said box. Normally people will leave the gate open, but of course the one day I actually want to get my mail it's been shut. I don't know if I've mentioned this in previous blogs or not, but blogspot has a blog called postsecret and it's awesome. People mail in their secrets anonymously and they are posted on the blog. There are also 4 books full of people's post cards and I am absolutely fascinated by them. Some of the secrets are disturbing, but some of them are hilarious. I recommend everyone check it out. Also...if anyone knows any single hotties...send them my way! I'm totally fun...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

i'm still tired

Well...I have some good news. Samantha was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon and she's going to be fine. She has about a million prescriptions, but she's doing well. She should be back to work on Monday (hopefully she'll have her strenght back by then), and hopefully she will be well enough to come with us on the girls trip. She was very excited to be able to sleep in her own bed and to see her dogs (her babies as she calls them). Nothing doing in my life...just the usual. There is this guy who works with me and I think he had a crush on me (I'm almost positive) and he would text me and try to get me to hang out with him all the time. He was always telling me how nice I looked and complimenting me and I didn't know what to do because I didn't feel that way about him. Early into all of this I told him that I didn't want to make things weird between us because I liked having him as a friend thinking that that would deter him, but it didn't. I tried not to hang out with him so that he wouldn't get the wrong idea, but one night I went to hang out with some friends and he was there. We ended up at Margarittaville and I was dancing and the next thing I know he's dancing with me, which was fine, but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. After that I had to avoid hanging out with him again because he talked about the dancing for a long time. Monday he came into work and told me that he now has a girlfriend and I haven't received a text from him since! This is a good thing because I felt really bad trying to come up with excuses all the time because he's super nice. I just have to stay away from his girlfriend because his lady friends always hate me. His old girlfriend hated me and we'd never even met. She made him delete me from his myspace friend list because she didn't like me. And the night of the dancing incident there was a girl there hanging out with him (they weren't on a date, they were just hanging out) and apparently she didn't like me very much for dancing with him. I'm going to end up getting beat up if I'm not careful! LOL Well I just had to share that little story because I thought it was funny.

Monday, July 21, 2008

yawn...i'm tired!

So this weekend was an interesting one. Friday night as we were getting ready to leave work Samantha got really sick and started throwing up and stuff. She was feeling a little bit better about 2 hours later so we got in the car to go home, but she decided she couldn't make the trip across town and she wanted to go to my apartment. Once we got there she laid down in my bed and fell asleep. She still kept getting sick so we stayed the night at my apt. and on Saturday she wasn't feeling any better. She finally called her sis-in-law (who's a nurse) and asked if she thought she needed to go to the E.R. The nurse said yes and for us to go at 7 because she knew the people working the night shift so they could get her right in. We went to Centennial Hills Hospital and the emergency room was practically empty! It was really nice because Sam only had to wait about 15 minutes to get in from the time we walked in the door. They decided that she has Salmonella or Ecoli or something like that so they admitted her to the hospital for a couple of days and put her on antibiotics. She is still in there, but she's ok and she will hopefully be released soon. Other than that not a lot happened...that pretty much took up my whole weekend.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Well my weekend was pretty uneventful. I had to go to a wedding reception on Saturday night and it was pretty fun...except I couldn't understand any of it because it was all in Spanish! lol I was one of like 5 white people there, but it was still a good time. I got the cutest dress and shoes to wear to the reception. I had planned on wearing something I already had, but when I was walking through Target a dress caught my eye and I just had to buy it. It is blue and so cute. Then I realized that I didn't have any shoes to wear with a blue dress so I had to wander over to the shoe section and I found the cutest white eyelet peep toe sling back wedges. They went perfectly with the dress and they were surprisingly comfortable. I could still walk at the end of the evening. After the reception I was supposed to go hang out with a couple of the guys I work with, but they didn't call me until amost midnight so I had to stay home...I was falling asleep in front of the computer trying to stay awake. Yesterday I went to the tattoo shop to get my ear pierced...I wanted an industrial but when I got there the piercing girl told me I can't get one because of the shape of my ear. She explained to me that if I did it my ear would become kind of deformed (no thanks!) so I was really sad. I've been wanting one for a long time and when I finally get the guts to go down there I can't do it. :( After my diappointment at the tattoo shop I went over to my sister Jessica's house to hang out and have dinner. Usually her little girl Jaidyn would be very mean to me (she loves to give me a hard time), but yesterday she was very nice and lovey with me. We hung out and ate dinner (props to jess for making some awesome food!) and then I left. I didn't feel like going home yet so I stopped by the book store to wander around...I could wander in the book store for days! Finally I went home and just hung out. I got a text message from my sister Sam telling me that she thinks her dog is depressed so I tried to give a little advise to make her feel better, but really what do I know about dog psychology??? I'm probably staying at Sam's house all week because her husband is on night shift so she doesn't have to stay alone. Well I'd better get back to work...

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I's been a really long time since I blogged. I forgot all about my blog...and then I didn't have anything to say either. I have moved and I am getting ready to move again soon. I think I'm moving in with a guy from work (strictly as roommates) if he gets a house. I am getting ready to start school again. I am taking 4 classes...Art Appreciation, Math 97 (I'm not so goodlike with the math), Literature, and the Psychology of Dreams. I will be in class m-w but only until 7:30 on my latest day so it should be ok. Two of my classes are online so that helps too. Not a lot going on in my life. I went out for the first time in a long time on Saturday night. I didn't even leave the house until 10:00pm and I didn't get home until the sun was coming up. I was really tired, but I had a good time. I went to margarittaville for the first time and it was pretty fun. I danced which I don't normally do and the dance floor was so sticky with spilled drinks that my shoes kept sticking to the floor and I couldn't get them off! I went with some guys that I work with and I was the DD so at least I didn't have a hangover. LOL I managed in my evening to piss off a big black lady and I didn't even have to try. She was hanging out with one of the guys I work with and apparently she got mad that he and I were dancing together. I didn't find this out until yesterday when guy told me, but it made me laugh. Other than that I don't have any stories...that I want to post on here anyways. Hopefully I will remember to keep doing this.