Monday, October 27, 2008


that is a satisfied sigh of relief. I am completely done moving. I just have to go to my apartment tomorrow and clean and then I'm done with that stupid place. Samantha and I went over there on Saturday and moved all of my stuff from the apartment in just 2 trips. We got to the apartment and we realized that we needed a dolly because some of the stuff was way too heavy to carry all the way to the truck so we had to go to TMA and borrow a dolly and then we were able to get all of my stuff out of the apartment in like 15 minutes. We took it to Jordan's and we had to unload it all into the garage and that only took us a few minutes also. After that we had to go to a birthday party for our boss' daughter who was turning 10. After the party we were exhausted and we still had to drive all the way back across town. When we got home I went and layed down on my bed for a while and then I just watched tv until it was time for bed. On Sunday we woke up and had Kody help us load the couches into the truck so we could take them to Jordan's house. Sam and I had to unload them all by ourselves, but we did a good job and we had them out of the truck and into the garage in no time. After that we went home and didn't really do much except relax. I need to go pick up my stuff that I ordered from Wal Mart still, but that's easy. I am going to Alamo this weekend with Jess and the kids. I decided to take Friday off of work so Jess and the kids said they would ride with me and then I'm not sure when I'm coming back. I am really excited to be out of Las Vegas for a while. I haven't been to Alamo since the 4th of July so it should be nice. Then I'll be back up there in a few weeks for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see all the kids in their costumes for Halloween...they are all going to look so cute. lol Other than that I haven't been up to much. I had my art midterm on Wednesday and I think we get our grades back tonight. I am happy to be out of my apartment and living with Sam and Kody for a while, but the only sucky part is that I have to drive all the way from Henderson after school and it takes like 45 minutes even when I'm speeding (which I always am). Oh, and I have to wake up earlier because it takes that much longer to get to work in the morning. I will be happy when I get to move into Jordan's house because it isn't too far from work so I won't have to wake up too early. I am so tired today and my body is sore from all that moving. Well I guess that's about all I have to say.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That does suck about the long drive...