Sunday, July 18, 2010


I moved and it went well. I didn't have any catastrophe's so I think that's awesome. As soon as I got done unloading my things I had to leave for Alamo. I stayed there for a few days and came home, did the swimming thing I talked about in the last post (had a lot of fun), and then I was just chilling for a while. I went to Alamo for 4th of July and I stayed for a week. I was sick part of the time so that was a bummer :( but my mom was there to take care of me so that was pretty sweet :). I came home last saturday (not yesterday) and I've been here for a week and tomorrow I head back to Alamo. My Grandma has been in Nashville visiting her twin sister (who had a stroke at the beginning of the year and hasn't been doing well) and she flies in tomorrow so I'm taking her back to Alamo and I'll be staying for almost a week. It's nice getting to spend so much time with my niece and nephews, and the rest of my family too. I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts and I won't get to see them as much. So far all has been good living at Sam's house. Kody and I take turns cooking dinner and I've been trying to stay out of their way so they don't get sick of me...I'm going to be here a long time. I haven't been doing anything especially interesting...I'm kind of a lame-0. I got a new laptop today so I'm pretty excited about that. There was nothing wrong with my old one, but I wanted one with a bigger screen and they had one that was a really good price at Sam's Club so I went for it. I sold my old one to Jessica and I'll hopefully be delivering it to her when I go to Alamo. I am currently in the process of backing up everything from my old computer to an external hard drive so I can transfer it all to my new computer and it's taking forever (not to mention I have no idea what I am doing and if it weren't for Sam I never would have even gotten started). It has been working for almost 3 hrs and it is only 83% done. I will admit that I have way too much stuff on there and that it is all in my itunes. I have a really bad itunes addiction; music, movies, tv's scary. Jessica and her family came down today and we all went swimming and Sam bbq'd. It was really fun. I love living here and the pool makes it even better. I got a little bit sun burned though and I don't know how. First of all I already had a tan and I wore sunscreen! Oh well! The water was so nice (for me...I don't like cold water and since it's been well over 100 degrees here for several weeks the pool was toasty). I am so tired and I can't wait to go to sleep, but I will not allow myself to do so until I have finished this computer nonsense. Well I guess that's all I've got to say for now and I probably won't post again for a while.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

almost time...

to move my crap. So to pick up where I left off I'll start with work. I ended up working almost 3 weeks after I put in my 2 weeks notice. lol It was ok though because it gave me time to train the new guy. My last 2 weeks of work were pretty quiet because Neal was gone. On my last day I had to fill in for the receptionist so it was kind of weird to spend my last day the same way I spent my first day. Sam ordered pizza and brought cupcakes (she and a couple of the guys from the office wanted to do something for my last day) and everyone in the office hung out for a little while was nice. I went to Alamo last weekend and hung out for a few days and then I came back here and got serious about packing. I had bought these storage things for DVD that hold just the discs so you don't take up so much space for DVDs. I bought six of them because I had no idea how many movies I had...I filled 3 all the way (they hold 80 discs each) and 1 3/4 of the way. So I've got 2 left over, but with the way I collect DVDs I suspect it won't take long to fill them. lol I got all of my stuff packed except for my dishes, pots, and pans, and my clothes I'm taking with me. I'd say I'm doing pretty good. I'm doing laundry today so that all of the stuff I take with me will be clean and I've got to do some dishes before I can pack them. I think I'm going to have to go get another storage container for my dishes, but I can handle that. It's weird to be kind of doesn't feel real. I went to lunch with my mom, Jess, Jaidyn, and my mom's friend Ruth yesterday. We went to the Galleria Mall and ate at Red Robin. After lunch Ruth left and the rest of us went shopping. It was fun. It's hard getting used to not having to go to work. I get so bored when I don't have something specific to do so I'm sure I'll be extra happy when school starts and I have something to do all day. In the mean time I plan on swimming and tanning...that's it. lol I'm going to lunch with Ashlee today which should also be fun. We used to go to lunch like once a week, but now since I'll be across town we won't get to see each other much. :( I'm going to be moving on Saturday and then I'm headed to Alamo to take a bunch of my stuff up and take Jess home (she's going to help me move). I might be staying there until Tuesday night because my dad has to stay at Sam's until his dr. appointment on Tuesday so there isn't really room for me. Wednesday Andrea, the boys, one of their friends, Jessica, Jaidyn, and possibly Colin are coming down to go swimming at Sam's so that will be fun. I haven't been swimming in a long time so I'm excited. I could spend all day in the pool. I suspect there will be some drama and possibly some fighting (especially when we try to make the boys wear sunscreen). I think it's going to be a good summer!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


so my orientation at UNLV went well. I got to see the campus (which is bigger than I thought it would be) and it was pretty fun. I went to the event at the Boy's and Girl's Club and it was a good time. I was paired with a 5 year old girl who was so cute, but broke my heart by telling me she wished she could win a bed because she doesn't have one. I was super happy because one of my girls from last year spotted me and came over to give me a hug. That made my entire day because I know I made an impression on her. Last week was pretty normal. I just hung out and did nothing. On Friday night I went bowling with Jordan, his sister, and a few other people. I'm not a very good bowler, but it was fun. I was the designated driver so I drove Jordan and his sister back to our house around 1:00am and then all the people who were bowling with us came over to hang out. I went to bed around 3:30am and they were all still there. I had to get up at 7:00 Saturday morning to get ready to go to the movies. Jessica and I took Tyson, Ryan, and 2 of Tyson's friends to see Iron Man 2. It was good and the boys had a good time. Poor Ryan was rubbing his eye a lot and I thought it was just because he was tired...turns out he has pink eye! So far this week has been pretty normal. Today I gave my 2 weeks notice to my boss. He wasn't very happy with me and was actually pretty rude. I'm quitting to finish school. I've been working towards a psychology degree for 6 years now and I really just want to finish it so I can start a career. When I told him why I was quitting he looked at me like I was stupid and after 7 years putting up with his crap I didn't even get a "good luck" or a "we're going to miss you". I did however get a question about why I'm going "back" to school. I've been going to school almost the entire time I've worked for him. I can tell you what medications he takes, but he has no idea I've been in school. I almost felt bad about leaving, but not anymore. I also had to tell Jordan that I'm moving out before the next rent is due. I do feel bad about that. I don't know why...I told him I'd be moving out this summer, but I still feel bad. Also as much as I hate to admit it I'm going to miss him. Now that we won't live together and we won't work together I know we aren't going to talk to each other. He's not good at keeping touch and neither am I. I'm registered for 3 classes so far. I'm waiting for them to process my transcripts from the spring semester so I can register for more. So far I'm taking Biology w/a lab, American Literature, and Social Psychology. Once my transcripts are processed I'll also be taking an algebra class. I'm going to start my first semester with just 4 classes. I haven't just been a student since I was 16 years old and I'm afraid I won't know how. I also figure it's good to space out my classes this semester so I have time between them to figure out where I'm going. Despite a campus tour I have no idea where anything is except the student union. I know I'm going to get lost...probably several times. I'm really excited for the weekend. I'm going to Alamo for part of it and I can't wait. I will spend time with my family relaxing and that will be nice. I'm also excited to go see Sex and the City 2. It looks so good and I loved the first one. At some point I also have to work on getting my things organized and packed. I'm going to have to store a bunch of my things, but luckily Jessica said I can store it in her storage room so I'm good there. I won't have to rent a storage unit so that's nice. I'm a little nervous about the future, but I'm really excited. I've never just done something this huge because I've been too scared. I'm not scared anymore though. :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


That stands for...something about orientation at UNLV. I have to spend all day Friday at new student orientation so that I can register for classes. I am a little nervous because I have to spend an entire day somewhere that is not familiar to me and I have to do it alone. I am painfully shy around people I don't know so I'm a little concerned. I am excited to finally get registered though. This week has been pretty boring. I went to the book store on Saturday and got the newest book in the Sookie Stackhouse series (the books the show True Blood is based on). Of course since I am a nerd I read the entire thing (about 300 pages) in less than half a day. I also purchased a new book by Jen Lancaster who I think is hilarious. She has a few books out and I've enjoyed all of them. Sunday I studied for my math final and just hung out. I went grocery shopping for the week which wasn't so bad even though I went to Wal Mart. Of course on a super busy Sunday they would only have 3 check out lanes open. I took my final on Monday and I didn't do well, but I'm pretty sure I'm still going to pass the class and that's all I care about. This Saturday I have the Girl's Day Out at the Boy's and Girl's club. Last year Samantha, Shelley, and I went to it and it was really fun. We get to be "big sisters" for about half a day to some underprivileged girls and at the end of the day the girls win prizes. Last year there weren't enough women so I had two little sisters. It was a little challenging, but it was a good time. They are sponsored by taco bell so there's food and there are tons of games to play. Last year a disabled girl won the best prize and I swear there wasn't a single woman in that room that wasn't crying. After the event a restaurant hosts a little something for the women who helped. They give out prizes and you can get a free glass of wine (yuck). Last year everyone sitting at my table won an awesome prize except for me. I won a laptop bag with the southwest gas logo on the side. I was a little sad, but I didn't do it for the prize so I was ok with it (Samantha won a really cute purse from Banana Republic though). Other than that there isn't much to say. I'm super excited that I don't have to worry about homework for a few months, but in that time I'm going to be moving and making some major changes to my life. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get to rest, but then I think that I would get bored!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Wow... I didn't realize how long it's been since I updated my blog. :) Well so much has happened I'll give you a quick recap of the last couple of months. January was a pretty normal month. I applied to UNLV and started class at CSN for the semester. In February my roommate's father passed away suddenly and that was pretty tough. He and his family handled it well though and they seem to be doing pretty good now. I went to Alamo for Valentine's Day and then I babysat Jessica's kids while she and Eric worked the NASCAR race (yuck!). The kids are always good for me so it was fun. I don't know that anything exciting happened in March. I went to a lot of Tyson's basketball games which was fun. After sending in my transcripts 3 times I finally got UNLV to accept me in April...yay! I spent most of the month of April in Alamo. First I went up for a b-day party for Tyson, Ryan, and Jaidyn which was a good time. Jeremy donned his cute apron and grilled up some burgers and hot dogs. Then I went back to babysit Jessica's kids while she and Eric worked the NHRA. The kids were good again so it was pretty easy. The weather was nice and we spent a lot of time outside. That weekend my mom was having some trouble with her eye so I brought her down to the eye dr. It turns out some of the gel in her eye has come loose and is floating around and that puts her at a higher risk of retinal detachment. She has to take it easy for a while and hope that it heals itself. That weekend I caught the stomach flu from Jessica and I was sick all of last week and into this week :( Luckily I am finally feeling better. Last weekend was the Eric M. Lee Memorial 5k so I was in Alamo again. I volunteer to help every year and it's always a good time. It's fun to see everyone and hang out. After the 5k this year the elementary school was having a community yard sale to raise money for a playground cover. Of course I got roped into helping Andrea and Jessica sell their stuff. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but from spending so much time outside I got a horrible sunburn (complete with raccoon eyes) that people at work have been commenting on all week. Luckily it is kind of going away, but it's really really bad. This weekend I get to stay home. I have to do homework and study because I have finals a week from Monday. I had hoped I could get some time in the sun this weekend, but the weather is not really cooperating. Just in case I forget to blog again here's a rundown of what I've got planned. I'm going to be moving out of Jordan's house sometime between now and September. His girlfriend is moving down in Sept and I want to move out and give them some privacy and space to get used to each other. I think I'm going to move in with Samantha and her husband. They said they don't mind if I live with them for a while and work on finishing school. Now I'm just trying to figure out if I'm going to keep working full time or if I'm going to get student loans, work part time and finish school faster. I don't really want to pile up a bunch of loans, but at the rate I'm going it's going to take me 6 more years to finish school. I am going to dinner at Bob Taylor's tonight which I'm really excited about. I haven't been there in years, but they have the best food. Samantha, my dad, and I are going for my dad's b-day. Well I guess that's about it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well Christmas came and went without much excitement. We had a good time and then it was just over. I went to my mom's house and everyone was there except for my dad. The kids all got so much stuff they were excited about. The way we do it is that anyone staying at my mom's house (which was just my mom, grandma, Samantha, and me) wakes up and opens our presents and then when anyone who isn't staying at my mom's house are done opening their presents they come to my mom's and open more presents lol. Well the 4 of us at mom's house got up early and opened our presents (I got a lot of good stuff including some earrings and a kindle) and shortly after we finished Jessica's family and Andrea's family came up and the kids opened their presents. I ended up going home Christmas day because I wanted to use my Kindle and I couldn't use it in Alamo (it requires access to the Sprint network). I have been reading like crazy and it's awesome because I don't have to worry about books piling up all around me. Jessica has a Wii and her husband got her Guitar Hero for Christmas. I went to her house and played and it was so fun that I had to go out and buy myself a Wii and Guitar Hero. I know I am a dork, but it is so fun. I'm not very good at it, but I think my guitar sucks because I was pretty good at Jessica's house, plus it makes noises like I've done something wrong when I haven't done anything...weird. I didn't do anything for New Year's. I stayed home and went to bed a little after midnight. I don't make resolutions but I have "ideas" lol that way I don't have to feel bad when I fail. My "ideas" are to get back to the gym, to eat more veggies, and to try to swear less. It's hard doing that last one...especially where I work. :) I have recently gotten into the True Blood series. I started reading the books first, and then I downloaded the first season of it from iTunes. I'm warning anyone who might read/watch it that it's very graphic. There is a lot of sex in it (especially the tv show). I really like the books though...they aren't as bad as the tv show and they are really interesting. Jordan's girlfriend Tasha is coming into town this weekend and Jordan is having a bbq. I have no idea who will be there, but I'm sure it will be a good time. He spent all day Sunday building a beer pong table (which is of no interest to me, but I did think it was kind of funny), and he set up the new grill he got for his b-day. Last Saturday we had a b-day party for my littlest nephew. He turned 2 and he is so cute! He got lots of presents and I think he had a good time. My sister Andrea got 2 new puppies (Lars and Lucy) and they are the cutest puppies I've ever seen. Lars took a liking to me (and I to him) and I desperately wanted to take him home with me. Sadly Andrea said no. Well I guess that's about all I've got going on right now.