Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ok Andrea...

Here I am blogging again! I hope it makes you happy! I should be doing a paper for school right now, but I don't feel like it so I'm not...I know...LOSER! I did half of it this morning and it's not due until tomorrow night so I have plenty of time. I just got home from dinner. Jessica, Eric, Jaidyn, and I took my dad to dinner for his b-day...he's old...he's 58 now. We took him to the Outback and it was so good. I kind of messed up dinner though. I thought it was at 5 so I told Sam to be there at 5. Then I got a call at 3:40 from Jessica asking how far away I was...I was'm still at home...I thought dinner wasn't until 5 and so Sam didn't get to make it because she wasn't at home and she didn't have time to get home and get ready in time. I felt really bad! I swear Jessica told me 5, but apparently I wasn't listening. :( I got a really cute new shirt from my has cherries all over it, which I LOVE, but I'm not sure if it looks good or not. I sent Jessica a pic of me wearing it and she said it looks good, but I'm still a little unsure. I am taking over human resources at work so I have to go to seminars on Monday and Tuesday and I'm not looking forward to it...they sound so boring! Samantha signed me up for 2 seminars already and I'm sure she'll find another one she thinks I should go to. YAY! We have this really old receptionist at work and no one likes her, not even our customers, but I don't want her to get fired because I have to train the new people even though I haven't been the receptionist in like over 3 years! Our boss decided he wants her gone as soon as possible so we are trying to find someone who will do a good job...we've been through 5-6 receptionist so far this year! It's not a hard job, but we just can't seem to find someone who is capable of doing the work and not being an idiot. She is really mean too...the receptionist...she's mean to me all the time. Hopefully we can find someone decent soon...Well I guess that's all I have to say. I hope it wasn't too boring!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

i know...i'm a tard

I know no one reads this so I'm not sure why I'm apologizing, but I'm sorry I haven't posted in like forever. It's not like I'm too busy...I just forget...and I have nothing interesting to say whatsoever! I haven't been doing much, just hanging out. I'm still single, despite my shameless flirting, and the forecast isn't good! I am down another 5 lbs and I'm slowly losing weight which makes me happy. I have been going to the gym pretty regularly and I'm kind of proud of myself for doing it. Samantha joined the gym with me so we go together after work a few times a week. It makes it much easier to go because we now carpool to work and we just go on our way home. I am trying to work my way up to 5 days a week, but right now I'm averaging about 3. I dropped my anthropology class...I just couldn't get motivated...I know...LOSER! I plan on taking 4 classes next semester and I'm a little's really hard doing that much school and working 50 hrs. a week, but I've done it before and I think I can do it again. Just stay away from me during finals because apparently I get a little moody! haha Well I guess that's about all I have to say for now...who knows when I'll post again....I'm sure the anticipation is killing you!