Thursday, July 10, 2008


I's been a really long time since I blogged. I forgot all about my blog...and then I didn't have anything to say either. I have moved and I am getting ready to move again soon. I think I'm moving in with a guy from work (strictly as roommates) if he gets a house. I am getting ready to start school again. I am taking 4 classes...Art Appreciation, Math 97 (I'm not so goodlike with the math), Literature, and the Psychology of Dreams. I will be in class m-w but only until 7:30 on my latest day so it should be ok. Two of my classes are online so that helps too. Not a lot going on in my life. I went out for the first time in a long time on Saturday night. I didn't even leave the house until 10:00pm and I didn't get home until the sun was coming up. I was really tired, but I had a good time. I went to margarittaville for the first time and it was pretty fun. I danced which I don't normally do and the dance floor was so sticky with spilled drinks that my shoes kept sticking to the floor and I couldn't get them off! I went with some guys that I work with and I was the DD so at least I didn't have a hangover. LOL I managed in my evening to piss off a big black lady and I didn't even have to try. She was hanging out with one of the guys I work with and apparently she got mad that he and I were dancing together. I didn't find this out until yesterday when guy told me, but it made me laugh. Other than that I don't have any stories...that I want to post on here anyways. Hopefully I will remember to keep doing this.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thanks for the comment. I found you loser.