Monday, September 22, 2008

just a few more days...

until my birthday! I am not especially excited about it because 23 is not an exciting age, but I am a little weirded out by it. For whatever reason 23 seems too old for me. lol I guess I must be immature because I am freaking out about it. So last week art class was better but dream psychology class was not. I got kicked out of the "cool people" group because I am not cool enough. The teacher told us to get into groups of no more than 6 so I saw the 3 girls sitting at my table and asked them if I could be in their group...and someone said yeah. Well then one of the girls invited 3 other people to be in their group so then there were 7 if you count me. I heard someone say "I think she's in our group too" and I was like "no I'm not. I'm going to this other group". I was so pissed. Then later one of the girls was trying to talk to me in the elevator after class and I was having no part of it. I got up all early and went to TMA with Jess so she could do her filing and I could do homework and we were there until about 3pm. After that I just went home and sat around like a lazy person. On Sunday I got up early and did some stuff around the apartment and went grocery shopping all before 10am. I was pretty proud of myself for that. Usually I can't get myself to do anything on Sunday. After I did the shopping and whatnot I just sat around watching movies and enjoying the rest of my weekend. I have been so tired lately and I can't figure out why. I seriously feel so tired all the time like I can hardly move. I have art class again tonight and I'm hoping that the teacher won't be mean to me...I had some good luck on Wednesday, but you never know when she's going to freak out again. Well I guess that's all I have to say.


Andrea said...

23 is old....Ha, yeah right. I just realized the other day when Jenna was cutting the boys hair that she is the same age as you guys. Weird right?

Jessica said...

I am not at all freaked out about turning 23. Maybe thats because with two kids, I already feel like I am

Robin said...

Shout out on my blog...