Monday, January 26, 2009


sigh. I am so happy that today is almost over. I woke up in a bad mood this morning and all I've wanted is for today to be done. I wasn't in a bad mood all day...I eventually snapped out of it, but I'm seriously so tired. The weekend was pretty good, but some weird stuff happened. It all started Friday night. We were at work until about 5:30 Friday night and before we left a couple of different cars had pulled into the parking lot and just sat there for a minute before leaving so we thought that was really weird. Well right after we left we got a call from one of the warehouse guys telling us that the alarm company had called him to say that the alarm was going off at the office. Sam and I turned around and came back to the office to check it out and after about a half an hour of being scared and messing with the alarm we figured it out and we were able to leave. We stopped for some dinner on the way home so we ended up taking a street we don't take all the time. It is kind of a secluded street that goes between some houses. There is never anyone on it and it's not very well lit. About half way down the street I saw a kid who I swear was no more than 8 years old walking down the street by himself. It caught my attention because I wondered why he would be alone after dark on that secluded street. When we got a little closer we saw that he had a weird white mask on that only had eye holes cut in it. It was almost like a KKK hood except it wasn't pointed on top it was round like his head. It freaked us out really bad and Sam just stopped the car in the middle of the road and started screaming at the top of her lungs! While she was sitting there screaming the kid just turned his head all slow to look at us and it was seriously straight out of a horror movie. I was like "why are you still sitting here let's go" and we took off. While we were driving home we were trying to figure out what we had just seen. I said that my first thought when I saw the mask was that it was bandages and that made us wonder if the kid had needed help or something. Well I said we should just call the cops and tell them that we had seen a kid wandering by himself and let them handle it, but Sam just couldn't stand the thought that we left the kid there when he may have needed help so she decided she needed to go back. I couldn't let her go alone so I went with her. We drove all around but we couldn't find him. I was so freaked out that whole night I couldn't sleep. I had to leave my bedroom door open and get the dogs to sleep with me lol. Saturday was a lazy day. I didn't do anything at all. I just watched tv all day. Sunday I woke up and hung out with Sam and Kody for a while and then I decided to go to the mall. I was only at the mall for like 30 min. so that didn't take up a lot of time. I spent most of the rest of the day reading. I have decided I really like this show on Showtime called The United States of Tara. It is about a woman with multiple personality disorder and it is pretty entertaining. Sam, Kody, and I watch it's our "family time" lol. Today I've just been working. I went to lunch with Ashlee at Cafe Rio and when we got there it was snowing...well it was more like slush falling from the sky, but I was still didn't seem cold enough for something like that.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh my hell, you two are retarded lol. Seriously.