Monday, December 22, 2008

I can't believe...

it's almost Christmas...that is so weird. The time has been going by so fast I don't even know how I got here. lol First an update on my dad. He went to the oncologist and they told him there is a nation-wide shortage of the liquid chemo that the put in the port that he has so he can't have that kind because they need it for people with higher stages of cancer. They told him he will have to take the chemo pills (he has to take 8 of them a day) and he just got them on Friday so I guess he started them over the weekend. He has to go 2 weeks on 1 week off and then repeat for as long as it takes for the cancer to be gone. During that time he has to go back to oncologist so they can do some blood tests and find out how he's responding to the chemo. He also had to have the port they put in taken out so Friday I took him to the doctor to have it removed. They were supposed to put him to sleep to take it out, but instead they just gave him a muscle relaxer and numbed his chest. He said it was very uncomfortable, but he is feeling better now. Hopefully the chemo won't be too rough on him. So weekend before last I was forced to attent the gun show with Samantha and my dad. It was the most boring 4 hours of my life I think. I was under the impression that we were going to get in there, find the gun Sam wanted to get for Kody, and get out, but that's not how it happened. My dad was excited to be out of the house and he likes guns so we had to see everything there was to see...boring! That weekend I also went to Disneyland with Jaidyn and Jessica. We left really early on Sunday morning and drove straight to Disneyland. We left at 5 and we made it there before 9. We spent the whole day at Disneyland and we had a good time. After that we went to the hotel and rested for a little while and then we went to dinner at Red Robin. After dinner we just went back to the hotel and hung out until bedtime. Jaidyn wanted to sleep in a bed with me but I was like "heck no!". I know that sounds mean, but that girl sleeps just like her mom did when we were kids...there are limbs flying and it's somewhat dangerous. lol Not to mention I let her lay in my bed with me and she dutchovened me! (you know where you fart and pull the covers over the other person's head...yeah, well she didn't pull the covers over my head, but she did flip them up in the air so her nasty fart came right up in my face!)lol We decided to come home Monday even though we were scheduled to come home Tuesday. The weather was bad so we figured we wouldn't have anything to do in Cali anyways. We ended up stuck in Fontanna for a while, but we eventually made it home. I had taken Tuesday off of work so I stayed home and relaxed instead of going to work. I went to the mall with Jess and her family and we had a good time. I ended up buying myself some christmas presents lol. After that things were kind of a blur because I was so busy. Since I had to leave early on Friday to take my dad to the doc. I took some work home with me and did that yesterday. Other than that I spent the entire weekend on the couch trying to recover from a cold I had developed. I think it worked because I feel better today. I will be heading to Alamo Wednesday night for Christmas. I have to wait for my dad to get off of work and then we will ride up together. I am so excited for Christmas I can hardly wait! I love it so much. It is Colin's first Christmas and everyone will be there so it's sure to be a good time. Well I guess I should get back to work.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I don't think I would have let Jaidyn sleep with me either lol.