Monday, November 17, 2008

oh you know...

just the usual. I was eligible for my new every 2 with Verizon so I ordered a new phone on Wed. and it got here on Thurs. I was so excited. I got an LG something or other. lol It's cool and it was FREE! I just had to pay the tax for it. I gave Jess my old chocolate and she likes it I think. On Friday I took Sam and Kody to the airport so they are in Florida right now and they head to Nassau tomorrow. I am so jealous. While they are gone I'm in charge of taking care of the dogs (since I live there). I swear I have gotten a million text messages from Kody checking up on the dogs...he's like a crazy parent. lol The dogs are driving me crazy, but they always do so it's nothing new. Oh, I also got some new stuff on Friday that I ordered from Torrid. I got a new shirt, some slippers, a new wallet (really cute faux snakeskin), and some earrings for $30 inc. shipping. I thought that was a good deal. Friday after work I went to Jessica's house because my mom was in town. I hung out and had dinner, and then we went shopping at Target. By the time we were done with that it was 8 so I went home and went to bed. Saturday I got up and went back to Jessica's house so we could do some more shopping. We went to the mall and Big Lots and got a bunch of shopping done. After that my mom and I went to Sam's house to rest and she stayed the night there with me. On Sunday we woke up super early (6:00...which is early for a Sunday if you ask me) and went to IHOP. It was so good...I'd been craving pancakes for a few weeks so I was happy. After IHOP we went to Wal Mart so my mom could do some grocery shopping and then we left for Alamo. Once we got to Alamo I just helped my mom unload her groceries and then I had to turn around and head back to Vegas. When I got back to town I had to go do grocery shopping of my own so by the time I got home it was 2:00. Not so bad. I then had to do laundry, cook dinner, do homework, and pet the needy dogs. lol Needless to say I am super tired today and I may need to go get a second red bull soon. I am really nervous for this week of work because something always goes wrong when Sam isn't here and it stresses me out. Hopefully everything will be ok though. This weekend Andrea is supposed to be coming down here with Jeremy for state football and she asked me if I wanted to hang out on Saturday so that should be long as she doesn't turn into the "shopping nazi" lol. j/k Andrea. Well I guess I'd better get back to work as I have a ton of it to do.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Speaking of shopping nazi, just know that if I had anything to do with it, there is no way I would have allowed for the purchase of a gross snakey wallet...Ugh. Shudder.