Sunday, July 18, 2010


I moved and it went well. I didn't have any catastrophe's so I think that's awesome. As soon as I got done unloading my things I had to leave for Alamo. I stayed there for a few days and came home, did the swimming thing I talked about in the last post (had a lot of fun), and then I was just chilling for a while. I went to Alamo for 4th of July and I stayed for a week. I was sick part of the time so that was a bummer :( but my mom was there to take care of me so that was pretty sweet :). I came home last saturday (not yesterday) and I've been here for a week and tomorrow I head back to Alamo. My Grandma has been in Nashville visiting her twin sister (who had a stroke at the beginning of the year and hasn't been doing well) and she flies in tomorrow so I'm taking her back to Alamo and I'll be staying for almost a week. It's nice getting to spend so much time with my niece and nephews, and the rest of my family too. I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts and I won't get to see them as much. So far all has been good living at Sam's house. Kody and I take turns cooking dinner and I've been trying to stay out of their way so they don't get sick of me...I'm going to be here a long time. I haven't been doing anything especially interesting...I'm kind of a lame-0. I got a new laptop today so I'm pretty excited about that. There was nothing wrong with my old one, but I wanted one with a bigger screen and they had one that was a really good price at Sam's Club so I went for it. I sold my old one to Jessica and I'll hopefully be delivering it to her when I go to Alamo. I am currently in the process of backing up everything from my old computer to an external hard drive so I can transfer it all to my new computer and it's taking forever (not to mention I have no idea what I am doing and if it weren't for Sam I never would have even gotten started). It has been working for almost 3 hrs and it is only 83% done. I will admit that I have way too much stuff on there and that it is all in my itunes. I have a really bad itunes addiction; music, movies, tv's scary. Jessica and her family came down today and we all went swimming and Sam bbq'd. It was really fun. I love living here and the pool makes it even better. I got a little bit sun burned though and I don't know how. First of all I already had a tan and I wore sunscreen! Oh well! The water was so nice (for me...I don't like cold water and since it's been well over 100 degrees here for several weeks the pool was toasty). I am so tired and I can't wait to go to sleep, but I will not allow myself to do so until I have finished this computer nonsense. Well I guess that's all I've got to say for now and I probably won't post again for a while.